

Wattbike is the global market leader in elite indoor performance training. We built a brand that matches their unrivalled reputation. And helped them launch a product unlike any other.

The challenge

How do we re-establish Wattbike's leadership in an increasingly crowded category?

Loved by everyone from from Tour de France winners to heavyweight boxing champions, Wattbike came to us with a brief to help them launch the world’s first ‘smart bike’. But to stand out from new competitors and connect with a new audience of amateur cycling obsessives, first we needed to go back-to-basics and redefine their brand.


The insight

A business born from obsession

Detailed consumer research, interviews, competitor analysis and workshops revealed a core brand truth. For Wattbike, performance is everything. Just like their audience, they’re obsessed. And they go to unreasonable lengths to deliver competitive advantage where it counts.

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Wb Wip Wall Detail 01

Brand idea

Obsessed with performance

We boiled down the core insight into a single, purposeful idea which could power their brand forward. ‘Obsessed with performance’ became their driving mantra, directing all brand decision-making, inside and out.

Wb Brand Idea 03

An obsessive brand identity

Inspired by the data, engineering and sports science expertise that sets Wattbike apart from their rivals, we translated ‘Obsessed with Performance’ into a premium yet highly technical brand identity system.

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“If you want to be the best, obsession isn’t optional”

Brand research: Customer interviews

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Wb Red Graphic 01

Launching the Atom

We named their new smart bike ‘Atom’, creating a clear link to the master brand and referencing the form and features of the product. The Atom sub-brand logo visually connects the product to the name. Inspired by a minimal atomic particle, we created a single red keyline around the chainring and used it to form the graphic O in the new logo.

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Wb Atom Side 01
Wb Atom Front 01
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Campaign concept: Unrivalled

Atom is a bike unlike any other. To launch it to the world we developed a campaign around the core thought of ‘Unrivalled’. This bold statement became the overarching message for the Atom, and we used it to tell a huge range of product stories across all of Wattbike’s paid, owned and earned channels.

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Wb Unrivalled Numbers
Wb Unrivalled Phone 03

Rethinking the digital brand experience

Launching the Atom meant redefining Wattbike’s whole online experience. We redesigned the UX and UI of Wattbike.com to enable stronger brand storytelling and optimise purchase flows, as well as overhauling their app and cloud platform, the Wattbike Hub.

Visit wattbike.com



6X increase in site conversion after atom launch


Film & photography

Working with our network of collaborators we created a huge range of assets and branded content. From campaign launch films to world-class product photography, now all Wattbike’s film and photography reflects their obsession with performance.

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Wattbike selected as one of the Sunday Times ‘Fast Track 10 to watch’ after rebrand

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Working with Thisaway has been breath of fresh air. They committed fully to our project from start-to-finish, and challenged us to think beyond our original brief. We worked together closely for over a year, and now our internal teams are all set up to deliver our brand. The visual transformation is obvious for all to see, but more importantly everyone in the team now feels confident about who we are, what we stand for, and the direction the company is heading. We’ve always been obsessed with performance, and now it is clear to see.

Rich Baker, Commercial Director, Wattbike

Project disciplines
Brand strategy, visual & verbal identity, naming, campaigns & content, web & app design, film & photography

Project collaborators
Atom photography: Michael Bodiam
Lifestyle photography: Lulu Ash
Atom brand film: Armoury London

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